## version ## language ## codeset 0 ;MUIB ;MUIB ;MUIB This catalog description file was generated by MUIBuilder. ;MUIB ;MUIB Please don't modify the lines generated by MUIBuilder, ;MUIB but you can add your own entries. ;MUIB msgAppDescription ;File Selector/Deletor... ;MUIB msgAppCopyright eta Version ;MUIB window Title msgWI_smarty ;Smarty v1.3 Stv 96 ;MUIB Menu Title msgMNmenuProject ;Project ;MUIB Menu Title msgMNmenuAbout ;About ;MUIB Menu Title msgMNmenuQuit ;Quit ;MUIB Menu ShortCut msgMNmenuQuitChar ;MUIB Menu Title msgMNmenuMUI ;Settings ;MUIB Menu Title msgMNmenuMUIconfig ;MUI... ;MUIB Register Entry msgGR_grupgral0 ;Directory ;MUIB Register Entry msgGR_grupgral1 ;Operation ;MUIB button text msgBT_newdir ;New Dir ;MUIB button text msgBT_parent ;_Parent Dir ;MUIB button text msgBT_root ;_Root ;MUIB group msgGR_filesTitle ;Files ;MUIB group msgGR_selectTitle ;Select ;MUIB button text msgBT_selectall ;_All ;MUIB button text msgBT_selectnone ;_None ;MUIB button text msgBT_selecttoggle ;_Toggle ;MUIB button text msgBT_wildcard ;_Wildcard ;MUIB button text msgBT_select ;_Select ;MUIB button text msgBT_stretch ;Str_etch ;MUIB button text msgBT_adjacent ;A_djacent ;MUIB button text msgBT_range ;Ran_ge ;MUIB group msgGR_hideTitle ;Hide ;MUIB button text msgBT_hidesel ;Selec_ted ;MUIB button text msgBT_hideunsel ;_Unselected ;MUIB button text msgBT_unhide ;Un_hide All ;MUIB group msgGR_botonsTitle ;Functions ;MUIB button text msgBT_delete ;_Delete ;MUIB button text msgBT_rename ;_Rename ;MUIB button text msgBT_copy ;_Copy ;MUIB button text msgBT_move ;_Move ;MUIB button text msgBT_duplicate ;_Dup ;MUIB button text msgBT_view ;_View ;MUIB window Title msgWI_select ;Smarty (Select) ;MUIB group msgGR_paramselectTitle ;Select ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_selectx ;Select ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_selecty ;every ;MUIB button text msgBT_ok ;MUIB button text msgBT_cancel ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title msgWI_rename ;Smarty (Rename) ;MUIB group msgGR_renameparTitle ;Parameters ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_renamebase ;Base Name ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_renamestart ;Start Number ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_renamenumbers ;Numbers ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_renameextension ;Extension ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_renamestep ;Step ;MUIB CheckMark msgCH_renamereverse ;Reverse Rename ;MUIB window Title msgWI_wildcard ;Smarty (wildcard) ;MUIB group msgGR_grupwildTitle ;Wildcard ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_wildcard ;Wildcard ;MUIB window Title msgWI_counter ;Smarty (Counter) ;MUIB group msgGR_groupgaugeTitle ;Percent ;MUIB button text msgBT_processpause ;_Pause ;MUIB button text msgBT_processcancel ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title msgWI_stretch ;Smarty (Stretch) ;MUIB group msgGR_strechparamsTitle ;Parameters ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_stretchsel ;Final ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 msgCY_stretchaction0 ;Select ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 msgCY_stretchaction1 ;Deselect ;MUIB window Title msgWI_duplicate ;Smarty (Duplicate) ;MUIB group msgGR_dupparamsTitle ;Parameters ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_duplicates ;Number of dups ;MUIB window Title msgWI_newdir ;Smarty (NewDir) ;MUIB group msgGR_newdirTitle ;Create Dir ;MUIB String Gadget msgSTR_newdirname ;Dir name ;My own strings !!! ;Registered to : msg_registered ;Registered to ;Thanks for supp msg_thanks ;Thank you for supporting the\nShareware concept ! ;Continue msg_continue ;*_Continue ;Error msg_error ;Error !!! ;Select some entries msg_selentries ;Please select some entries before\ncalling this function ! ;Paused msg_paused ;Paused. Press pause again... ;Selecting... msg_selecting ;Selecting entries... ;Invalid sel values msg_invalid ;Invalid selection values ! ;Number must be even msg_musteven ;You must select an even number of\nfiles to select a range ;Invalid duplication params msg_invaliddup ;Invalid duplication parameters ! ;Warning !!! msg_warning ;Warning ! ;Going to duplicate ! msg_dupresult ;I'm going to duplicate \\d files,\n resulting in a total of \\d files.\n\nAre you sure ? ;Yes/No msg_yesno ;*_Yes|_No ;Duplicating msg_duplicating ;Duplicating entries... ;Error duplicating file msg_errordup ;Problems duplicating file\n"\\s" !\n\nContinue ? ;Op canceled msg_canceled ;Operation cancelled ! ;Duplicated,,, msg_dupled ;Duplicated \\d file(s) ;Dup finished msg_opfinished ;Operation finished ! ;Succesfully duplicated,,, msg_okdupled ;Successfully duplicated \\d file(s) ;Viewing files msg_viewing ;Viewing files... ;View error in file msg_viewerror ;Error viewing file\n"\\s".\n\nContinue ? ;Yes|No|Cancel msg_yesnocancel ;*_Yes|_No|_Cancel ;Do you wannasee file x msg_askview ;Do you want to view the file\n"\\s"?\n ;Quit ? msg_askquit ;Are you sure you want to quit Smarty ? ;Yes|Icon|No msg_yesiconno ;*_Yes|Iconify|No ! ;Gonna delete ! msg_godelete ;I'm going to delete all the\nselected entries (\\d file(s))\n\nAre you sure ? ;Gonna copy msg_gocopy ;I'm going to copy all the\nselected entries (\\d file(s))\n\nAre you sure ? ;Gonna move msg_gomove ;I'm going to move all the\nselected entries (\\d file(s))\n\nAre you sure ? ;Deleting... msg_deleting ;Deleting files... ;Select dest directory msg_seldir ;Select destination directory: ;Copying files... msg_copying ;Copying files... ;Moving files... msg_moving ;Moving files... ;Copy error msg_copyerror ;Problems copying file\n"\\s" !\n\nContinue ? ;Copied... msg_copied ;Copied \\d file(s). ;Delete error msg_delerror ;Problems deleting file\n"\\s" !\n\nContinue ? ;Deleted... msg_deleted ;Deleted \\d file(s). ;Copy/move finished msg_copmovfinish ;Succesfully \\s \\d file(s)\n\nDo you want to change the current dir to\n"\\s" ? ;Copied msg_lcopied ;copied ;Moved msg_lmoved ;moved ;Status line msg_status ;Entries: \\d Selected: \\d "\\s" ;Error creating dir msg_newdirerror ;Cannot create new directory. ;Can't use negative values msg_negvalues ;Cannot use negative values\nin renaming ! ;Renaming... msg_renaming ;Renaming entries... ;Problems renaming file msg_probrenaming ;Cannot rename file\n"\\s".\n\nContinue ? ;Renamed x files msg_renamed ;Renamed \\d file(s) ;Invalid ren values msg_invalidrenvalues ;Invalid renaming parameters ! ;Wildcard error msg_wilderror ;Wildcard-selection error ! ;Hiding... msg_hiding ;Hiding... ;Help bubbles for MUI 3.2+ ;Help on dir list msg_helpdirlist ;Directory list: Simply double-click\nan entry to change current dir.\nYou can drop WB icons on\nthis window,too. ;Help volume list msg_helpvollist ;Volume list: Double-click an entry\nto change current volume.\nYou can drop WB icons on\nthis window, too. ;Help Newdir msg_helpnewdir ;Allows you to create\nnew dirs in the current volume ;Help parent msg_helpparent ;Goes to parent dir. ;Help root msg_helproot ;Goes to the root dir. ;help all msg_helpall ;Selects all the entries ;help none msg_helpnone ;De-selecte all the entries ;help toogle msg_helptoggle ;Selects what is not selected and\ndeselects what is selected ;help wildcard (//) msg_helpwildcard ;Allows pattern-matching selection\nof entries. ;help select msg_helpselect ;Allows you to jump-select\nentries in the list ;help stretch msg_helpstretch ;Selects exactly the number\nof entries you want. ;help adjacent (//) msg_helpadjacent ;Selects odd/even fields in\nfield rendered animations. ;help range msg_helprange ;Selects a range of files between\ntwo already selected entries ;help hideselected msg_helphideselected ;Removes from the list all the\nselected entries. ;help hide deselected (//) msg_helphideunselected ;Removes from the list all the\nnon-selected entries. ;help unhide msg_helpunhide ;Unhides all removed entries\nby re-reading the dir. ;help delete (//) msg_helpdelete ;Deletes all selected entries. ;help rename msg_helprename ;Sequence-renames all selected\nentries ;help copy msg_helpcopy ;Copies all the selected entries\nto any dir. It uses the\ntooltype-defined buffer. ;help move msg_helpmove ;Moves (copy & delete) all the selected\nentries to any dir. It uses the\ntooltype-defined buffer. ;help dup msg_helpdup ;Create any number of duplicates\nof all selected files ;help view msg_helpview ;Allows to view selected entries\nusing the tooltype-defined\nviewer. ;help on file list msg_helpfilelist ;This list contains the files in\nthe current directory. Is a\nmulti-select list ;help on current dir (//) msg_helpnumber ;Number of existing entries,\nnumber of selected entries and\ncurrent dir